Tiina Reunanen

1990 Open Aspects, Photography exhibition, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
1989 Group exhibition with Jukka Lehtinen and Vertti Teräsvuori, Club of young Artists, Budapest
1989 Photographic Art-Everyday Art, Muu ry Gallery, Helsinki
1989 Exhibition of the Union of photographic artists, Painters Gallery, Helsinki
1988 ‘Nordic light’, Oulu
1988 Exhibition of young artists, Retretti, Punkaharju
1988 Multivision of Markku Arokanto show, Savoy-theatre, Helsinki
1987 Exhibition of young artists, Museum of Photography, Helsinki
1986 Lahti AV-Biennale

Resbonsible tasks
1986-89 Student gallery Villa Ull, managing director
1981-83 Student magazine Karhunkierros, editor in chief

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